Leadership Courses and Programs for Leaders and Individuals

Business Leadership Development Opportunities for You and Your Team

Two men shaking hands in a restaurant.

Transformational Change Leadership

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are”. Max Depree
Change in the life of a leader is not an option. Change happens every day. Today, however, change is happening much more quickly than ever before. Learn how to embrace change while building and strengthening yourself and your team in order to be more successful. We must all change or be left behind!
To be a leader you must preserve all through your life the attitude of being receptive to new ideas. The quality of the leadership you will give will depend upon your ability to evaluate new ideas, and to separate change for the sake of change from change for the sake of men. – William A. Hewitt

Coaching and Mentoring

Individual Coaching – one on one private and confidential coaching

When I am working with you one-on-one, it is my highest objective to help you reach your purpose, vision and goals by working through John Maxwell's programs specific to your needs. Together, we will create a strategic, powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process including, interaction and accountability.

  • ​What are you doing to invest in yourself?
  • What are you doing to invest in others?

​Group Coaching – small setting onsite or via webinar and video technology

​When I am working in a group setting – although it’s not singular in nature – having the entire group’s input in thinking magnifies the richness of the discussions and results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create. The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole. It is an experience unlike any other and follows the same premise as an academic think tank.

A man and woman sitting at tables with papers.

Better Self-Awareness

Assess your personality and behavior traits and understand how to work in multiple environments with various people through our leadership courses. 85% of workplace success comes from people skills. Take the time to take a DISC assessment or True Colors assessment. The way you interact and communicate with others will never be the same!

“Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” –Debbie Ford

A group of people sitting around a table.
A group of people sitting around a table.

Effective Communication

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” – Paul J. Meyer

Recognize the importance of your words and how you deliver them through our communication courses. Your communications style can either build a strong and lasting relationship or destroy one. Everyone knows how to communicate. Not everyone understands how to connect, which is the foundation of successful communication.

“Tone, inflection, timing, volume, pacing—everything you do with your voice communicates something and has the potential to help you connect to or disconnect from others when you speak.”. ― John C. Maxwell

Intentional Team Building

The most productive work culture comprises a group that works collectively with a mutual commitment and focus: an effective team. Invest in your team. Maximize the individual strengths to create a culture of respect, trust, and appreciation. Understand the importance of treating every member of your team like your very best customer.

“Teamwork is not a preference, it’s a requirement.” – John Wooden

Flexible, Adaptable Leadership

Leadership requires courage—the courage to risk, reach, and put oneself on the line. Leading a team requires mental and emotional preparation and making crucial decisions, and taking the necessary actions.

“People of character do the right thing even when no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world.” Michael Josephson

Structured Conflict Management

Conflict can range from simple misunderstandings to common disagreements to crippling stand-offs. Proactively managing tricky situations can lead to better working relationships, deeper understanding, and smooth transitions. Assess your natural style of dealing with conflict, and learn how to adapt to the situation and the individuals involved.

Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with, the wind.” –Hamilton Wright Mabie

Two people sitting on a couch with laptops

Mission-Driven Focus

Instilling a passion for your company’s/association’s mission is essential to creating a great working culture. Understanding and staying true to your professional and organizational core values are part of this learning opportunity.

“Without a mission statement, you may get to the top of the ladder and then realize it was leaning against the wrong building.” –Dave Ramsey

Meaningful Delegation

Effectively delegating can be tricky, but it’s critical to complete tasks efficiently and successfully. Learn how to communicate your goals verbally and in writing. The legacy is a team that knows how to accomplish various tasks and is prepared to advance to the next stage of their careers.

“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”John C. Maxwell

A man is giving a presentation to his colleagues.

Developed and Empowered Leadership

“Leaders are made they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price all of us must pay to achieve any goal worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi

The very best investment anyone can make is in their development as a leader, a team player, a coach, or a mentor. For a business or organization, it’s the insurance policy for success.

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them as leaders and continually develops them” – John C. Maxwell

A green background with white lines on it.

Additional Options for Your Business or Organization

Successful Board Retreats

The CarrellBoggs Consultant Team will customize your board retreat to help you and your team have a great foundation for better success.

Facilitators Available

Our facilitators serve as useful guides, encouragers, and time managers through tough conversations, goal setting, or problem-solving. Contact us to help you!

Keynote Speaker

Topics range from informative to inspirational and can be tailored to your group’s specialized needs. Begin the journey with CarrellBoggs Consulting, and see the outcomes necessary for individual and organizational progress and success.

“We are here for you – to help you grow at your pace, on your platform, and within your capacity.” –Leslie Boggs

A man and woman looking at a laptop.